Orange Crush

Orange Crush

By Bill Hoover

The first time I met Wanda Ewing was at an exhibition Renee Ledesma and I were having at Jackson Artworks in downtown Omaha. Wanda was one of those people who can enter a room and all eyes are on her. She had moved back to Nebraska and wanted to get involved in the local art scene. We made the connection that I had been extremely good friends with her sister Mona in high school. From that night on, Wanda became a colleague, a mentor, a teacher, and an inspiration, to not only me but countless artists in Omaha.

For this blog, I reached out to quite a few folks and asked for a one word description of Wanda. Colorful, Wandarful, but one artist, Jill Rizzo, summed it up best, “ONE?! She then proceeded to write about 20 words. Wanda once told me she didn’t want to be a big fish in a small pond. We were discussing what it means to “make it” in the art world…How do you measure your success…What do you buy into? She was a visionary, driven, and to quote Rizzo, “lived out loud.” Wanda had no problem saying “I want to be a big fish in a big pond.”

As working artists, Wanda and I  would often talk about “The Life.” The long hours spent in a studio practice, to always be pushing ideas and imagination and using your chosen media to form your message. One thing I know for sure about Wanda. Her creativity was only matched by her work ethic. Her serious political message was only matched by her high hilarity. Wanda was so, so, so funny. She was an amazing model of fearlessness and surety, refusing to be ashamed, denigrated, second-guessed or pigeon-holed. It’s impossible to understate the impact she had on me and countless other artists, academics and friends who knew her. There will never be another Wanda Ewing. She is dearly missed.

I visited her at the hospital a few weeks before she passed. I was grief stricken because I didn’t know how sick she really was. She was very private about her cancer. I asked her if there was anything I could get her and she said yes, bring me an Orange Crush. 5 years later, I think of her as like that orange crush. Refreshing, sweet, sharp, tangy, with a name that famously has no rhyme.

One Way or Another

One Way or Another

By Maria Elena Buszek

I mostly grew up in Omaha—I went to high school and college there after moving with my family from Detroit in 1984—and it eludes me how Wanda Ewing and I never crossed paths during those years. We were both weirdo art kids in mostly preppy high schools, probably went to all the same art openings and concerts, but didn’t meet until over a decade later, after I’d made a scene at the 2003 College Art Association annual conference.


Wanda’s art = pop art + feminism // 3

Wanda’s art = pop art + feminism // 3

By Sally Deskins

Wanda’s inspiration from pop art radiates in her pin-up prints. Transforming the kitschy source imagery of 1940s pin-ups, Wanda’s Black as Pitch, Hot as Hell series, explores how race informs society’s idea of female beauty. (Above: Wanda Ewing, Black as Pitch, Hot as Hell, 2006. Acrylic and latex paint on carved plywood. Right: Girl #2, 48″ x 48″. Left: Girl #6, 48″ x 48″.)


Wanda’s art = pop art + feminism // 2

Wanda’s art = pop art + feminism // 2

By Sally Deskins

Wanda’s work critiques objective representations of the black female body, placing it in contemporary frameworks. Body Map (Wanda Ewing, Body Map, lincout, n.d.) is headless, floating, limited to the square box frame, while strong, sinuous and flexible, in motion. The appealing style in an unknown environment is akin to pop art, but exudes feminist intent—as in the work of Renee Cox and Lorna Simpson.


Introduction of Wanda’s work & satirical prints // 1

Introduction of Wanda’s work & satirical prints // 1

By Sally Deskins

I’m so honored to help initiate the reigniting of Wanda’s website through this blog. You may know Wanda was my mentor and friend. I’ve written about how I met her and she inspired me to start my blog, Les Femmes Folles, and to continue making art and to pursue a master’s degree in art history. Of course she also inspired me as a person and strong feminist deeply, just through her being.


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